Library Community Meeting Room
Meeting Room/Community Room Policy:
The Slayton Public Library provides a meeting room for civic, cultural, educational and public information meetings. Library sponsored programs have priority use. With access to public restrooms accorded via the meeting/community room, this area is NOT a confidential meeting space, therefore the connecting door to the library must remain open during library hours of operation.
The use of the community/meeting room does not imply the City’s or the Library’s endorsement of any ideas expressed in the meeting nor the goals, objectives, or ideals of the person or the organization using the meeting/community room.
Policy for Use:
One person from the organization/business must be listed as the contact person.
Arrangements can be made with the library director/staff to obtain a key for using the meeting room when the library is not open.
The meeting/community room is provided on a first come first serve basis.
A rental fee is charged for the use of the meeting/community room by private for profit businesses, organizations and individuals.
User Groups:
- Category A: Government agencies: City of Slayton, Plum Creek Library System, County, state, school, political groups, excluding fund raising events.
- Category B: Non-profit civic groups: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Women of Today, Study Clubs, Quilt Clubs, etc.
- Category C: For profit businesses, organizations and social groups.
Rental Fees:
- Category A: No Charge
- Category B: No Charge
- Category C: $25.00
Community Room Expectations:
- The room should be vacuumed and left clean and orderly (vacuum is in the restroom).
- Tables are left in the same manner as they were found, tops washed off if needed.
- Extra chairs are stacked neatly in one corner of the room, 8 chairs set around each table.
Recurrent use of meeting/community room (e.g. monthly or multiple meetings/month) will be handled on a case by case basis taking into consideration the frequency, duration, availability of the space, etc. Final decisions will be made by the library director and/or the Slayton Library Board.
The meeting/community room may not be reserved more than 6 months in advance.
The library’s “Rules of Behavior on Library Premise” policy applies to the use of the meeting/community room. Noise levels from the meeting/community room must not disturb library patrons or staff. Individuals attending meetings are responsible for supervision of their children.
Meeting/community room users are responsible for their own supplies, room arrangement and returning the room to its original order after the event.
There is an additional $25.00 rental fee to use the community room over and above the Senior Center fee. This use must be arranged in advance of any event. Otherwise the only access used by persons renting the Senior Center should be restricted to the public restrooms.
After hours meeting groups must leave the community room and restrooms in the same condition as prior to the meeting and should be checked by the person in charge. Doors should be checked to make sure they are locked.
No tape, staples, tacks/push pins should be attached in any way to the walls, doors or ceiling.
No alcoholic beverages or smoking are allowed on the premises.
Any reservation may be cancelled or rescheduled if the room is needed for library business.
The library reserves the right to revoke permission to any group or individual who violates the rules of this policy.