Mayor and City Council Members
The Slayton City Council meets every first and third Mondays of the month at 6:00 PM in the council chambers located at 2424 26th Street.
In the event that the regular council meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the following Tuesday.
- Miron Carney 2011-2026
Council Members:
- Chris Jacobson 2009 - 2028
- Kate Harmsen 2017 - 2026
- Dean Ackerman 2021 - 2026
- Blake Heronimus 2017 - 2028
Council Appointments
- Miron Carney: Mayor, Weed Inspector, General Government, Police, Fire Department, EDA
- Chris Jacobson: Acting Mayor, Zoning Board, Streets
- Kate Harmsen: Parks/Pool, Library Board
- Dean Ackerman: Airport Board
- Blake Heronimus: Water/Sewer, Parks Board, EDA
General Council Appointments:
- Merlyn Anderson: City Attorney
- Travis Smith: Prosecuting City Attorney
- Mike LeTendre: Fire Marshall
- Justin Hoffmann, Blake Heronimus, Dean Ackerman: Civil Defense/Weather Spotting
- Katie Jacobson, CPA: City Auditor
- Murray County Editorial Group: Official Newspaper
- Minnwest Bank South: Official Depository
- First National Bank: Official Depository
- Minnwest Insurance: Local Insurance Agent
- Erik Skogquist: City Assessor
- Weston Mahon: Assistant Weed Inspector