Computer & Internet Policy
It is the policy of the Slayton Public Library to provide free access to information to users of all ages. Electronic information and networking are resources that are constantly changing, therefore impossible to monitor. The Slayton Public Library is providing access to the internet as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of the library’s service area with the understanding that it is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others and appropriate conduct while using public library resources. The purpose of the Computer and Internet Use Policy is to insure the best use of computers and access to the internet by the greatest number of people.
Access to the internet is available to all patrons; however this service may be restricted at any time for use not consistent with the guidelines. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the library’s internet service. Prior to being granted access to the internet, anyone under 18 years of age, along with a parent or guardian, must sign the Internet Use Agreement. The Slayton Public Library Board requests that parents or guardians work closely with children on selecting internet resources consistent with personal or family values.
Staff is available to introduce the internet access and provide initial instruction on its use. The amount of time staff has available to provide internet instruction is limited.
Users should be aware that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state and federals laws and can lead to prosecution. The user will be held responsible for his/her actions using the internet. Users are expected to abide by the guidelines below which include generally accepted rules of network etiquette. Unacceptable uses of the service will result in the suspension or revocation of internet use privileges.
The internet is a decentralized, unmoderated global network; the Slayton Public Library has no control over the content found there. The library will not censor access to material nor protect users from offensive information, and it is not responsible for the availability and accuracy of information found on the internet.
The library cannot assure that data or files downloaded by users are virus-free. The library is not responsible for damages to equipment or data a user’s personal computer from the use of data downloaded from the library’s internet service. Laptops and other devices should never be left unattended in the library. The library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software or data files.
The use of the internet and email is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the proper authorities.
Minors the age of eight (8) and under must be accompanied by an adult when using the computers. Patrons aged 9 to 18 must have a parent or guardian’s signature on an Internet Access Agreement form in order to use the computer by themselves.
Users may use the internet for research and the acquisition of information to address their educational, vocational, cultural and recreational needs.
Users may use the internet for the receipt and transmission of electronic mail (e-mail) as long as they use a free e-mail service which will establish and maintain an account for them; the library is unable to manage e-mail accounts for any organizations or individuals.
Internet use is offered on a register to reserve basis during the library’s regular hours of operation; each user is allowed one session up to one hour per day beginning with the entry of the password by staff. If a group has reserved the computer lab or a workshop is scheduled it will not be available to the public.
Staff has the discretion to allow proctoring services for college students as needed.
Workstations may be used by only two persons at a time. Patrons will be assigned a computer and will be expected to use only the assigned computer until the session is done. Patrons will be held responsible for any damage or misuse that is incurred to the computer they are assigned to.
Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations; they will not use it for illegal purposes.
Internet computers will not be used to access illegal sites or obscene sites as defined by local community standards or those potentially harmful to minors.
Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted library or internet files or networks, or to damage, or modify computer equipment or software at the library or at another location by using library connections.
Users will not disclose, use or disseminate personal information regarding minors without the written authorization of the parent or legal guardian.
Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through their use of the internet service.
Users shall not create and/or distribute computer viruses over the internet.
Users shall not deliberately or willfully cause damage to computer equipment or programs.
There will be NO eating or drinking in the library.
Personal software or hardware may not be used or installed on the library’s computer.
Information may be downloaded from the internet to a flash drive.
Library employees are authorized to take prompt and appropriate actions to enforce the rules and/or to prohibit use by persons who fail to comply with the internet policy. Library employees are authorized to terminate any user’s session, or to prohibit a user from access if that user fails to comply with this policy. A second violation may result in permanent termination of computer privileges.
Wi-Fi Access:
This Computer and Internet Use Policy applies to any laptop used to access the Internet through the library’s Wi-fi connection. As a result, your Internet connection will be filtered and prohibited websites are blocked. Users are responsible for making sure their computer has the correct settings and necessary hardware. Library staff will provide very limited instruction for access. The library cannot guarantee that the user’s hardware will work with the library’s wireless connection.
The library avoids collecting or maintaining records that could compromise the privacy of patrons. There is no electronic tracking of workstation use that would enable the library to determine who that user is or what they did on a library computer after the customer logs off. Absolute privacy for people using electronic resources in the library cannot be guaranteed.
The internet and its available resources contain a wide variety of material and opinions from varied points of view. Users need to be good information consumers, questioning the validity of the information. Not all sources on the internet provide accurate, complete or current information. The user is the selector is using the internet with individual choices and decisions. Users may encounter material that could be considered inappropriate. Parents of minor children assume responsibility for their children’s use of the internet through the library’s connection. The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibilities arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems or any consequences thereof.
Laptops and other devices should never be left unattended in the library. The library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software or data files.