Frequently Asked Questions

Who can sign up for this program?

Any child from birth until kindergarten can sign up. It will take from a few months to a few years, depending on how many books you read at a time.

Why is it important to read to very young children?

Developing literacy skills begins at birth and continues throughout the toddler and pre-school years. The best way to ensure a child has the skills necessary to learn to read is having someone read aloud to them.

Can you really expect to read 1000 books to your child before kindergarten?

If you read only one bedtime story every night for three years you will have read 1095!

If you read 10 books each week for two years, you will have read 1040.

If you read 3 books a day in one year you will have read 1095!

Do we have to read books from our Public Library?

No, you can read books from anywhere - your home, the doctor's office, preschool, Grandma's house, other libraries.

I read the same story every night to my child. Can I count that book more than once?

Yes, write down the title (or color a circle) each and every time you read the book.

I have more than one child to read to. Can I count the same title for each child?

Of course you can! And if one of your older children reads to their sibling, you can count that also.

Can I count the books that are read at library Story Time?


What about the books that my preschooler hears at school from the preschool teachers?

Yes, you can count those.

My child has an electronic game (or a computer game) that reads the story to him if he chooses. Can I count that?

As long as your child listens to the entire story, you can count it. Please don't count if he just plays the games.

When I don't have time to read to my child, I sometimes let her listen to a book on CD. Can I add that to her list?

Sure, as long as she has listened to the entire story.

My child 'reads' books to himself. Should I count those?

While it's a great start to reading, if your child is only pretending to read, you shouldn't count it.  If your child has memorized a book you read together frequently and can read it themselves, then go ahead and count it. 

My older children like to read to their younger siblings. Can I count those books?

Count any books that are read to your child, no matter who reads the books. It can be a brother, sister, grandparent, babysitter, teacher, etc. As long as they hear the entire story, you can count it. 

How many times can I participate in the program?

Officially, only one time. Only one tote, program prizes and graduation party will be awarded.