
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Program Overview
One of the best ways to encourage learning is to spend time sharing books every day.  Reading together helps develop important pre-reading skills that provide a solid reading foundation - a key to school and learning success. Not to mention, sharing stories together is fun!
How the program works:
  1. Register and receive your library bag.
  2. Read to your child.
  3. Record each book read to your child (either by writing the title down or coloring a circle on the reading caterpillar).
  4. When you finish 100 books bring the reading log to the library! Your child will receive a small prize and the next reading log.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 (with prizes awarded after each 100 books read).
  6. After finishing 1,000 books, your child will receive:
              - A graduation party.
              - Certificate of Completion
              - And an awesome jump start on success at school!
 The club has no end date except your child's going to school; don't feel rushed and just enjoy the experience! Take every chance you have to read with your children, tell and talk about stories, say nursery rhymes, sing songs, and attend library programs. By reading just three stories a day, you and your child will have read over 1,000 books in one year! You will also have shared many special moments along the way.
Please contact the library with any questions you may have.
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Books Your Child Should Hear Before Kindergarten

Alborough, Jez: Where’s My Teddy?

Aranton, John-Ruben M., Jr.: What Treat Can Ruben Eat?

Asch, Frank: Happy Birthday, Moon

Ballock-Dixon, Saige J.: Chilean Mines

Bang, Molly: Ten, Nine, Eight

Barrett, Judi: Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing

Barton, Byron: The Three Bears

Bauer, Marion: How Do I Love You?

Becker, Bonny: A Visitor for Bear

Bergen, Lara: Dora’s Sleepover

Bemelmans, Ludwig: Madeline

Benton, Jim: The End (Almost!)

Blackstone, Stella: Bear’s Busy Family

Borghese, Mark: 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Bornstein, Ruth: Little Gorilla

Brett, Jan: The Mitten

Brown, Marcia: Stone Soup

Brown, Margaret Wise: Goodnight Moon

Brunhoff, Jean de: The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant

Burningham, John: Mr. Gumpy’s Outing

Burroughs, Caleb: The Moon Sees You & Me

Burton, Virginia Lee: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

Campbell, Rod: Dear Zoo

Cannon, Janell: Stellaluna

Capucilli, Alyssa Satin: Biscuit Loves the Library

Carle, Eric: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Christelow, Eileen: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Chung, Arree: Ninja!

Coffelt, Nancy: Fred Stays with Me

Crews, Donald: Freight Train

Cronin, Doreen: Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type

Day, Alexandra: Good Dog, Carl

Degen, Bruce: Jamberry

Dorros, Arthur: Abuela

Eastman, P.D.: Are You My Mother?

Ehlert, Lois: Feathers for Lunch

Emberley, Ed: Go Away, Big Green Monster!

Falconer, Ian: Olivia

Feiffer, Jules: Bark, George

Flack, Marjorie: Ask Mr. Bear 

Fleming, Denise: Mama Cat Has Three Kittens

Fox, Mem: Where is the Green Sheep?

Freeman, Don: Corduroy

Gag, Wanda: Millions of Cats

Galdone, Paul: The Three Little Pigs

Gerstein, Mordicai: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers

Goble, Paul: The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses

Guarino, Deborah: Is Your Mama a Llama?

Henkes, Kevin: Kitten’s First Full Moon

Hill, Eric: Where’s Spot

Ho, Minfong: Hush!: A Thai Lullaby

Hoban, Russell: Bread and Jam for Frances

Hoban, Tana: Is it Red? Is it Yellow? Is it Blue? An Adventure in Color

Hoffman, Mary: Amazing Grace

Holabird, Katherine: Angelina Ballerina

Hutchins, Pat: Rosie’s Walk

Jenkins, Steve: What do you do with a tail like this?

Johnson, Crockett: Harold and the Purple Crayon

Juster, Norton: The Hello, Goodbye Window

Kasza, Keiko: The Wolf’s Chicken Stew

Keats, Ezra Jack: The Snowy Day

Kennedy, Jimmy: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Kent, Jack: The Caterpillar and the Polliwog

Kimmel, Eric: Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock

Kraus, Robert: Whose Mouse are You?

Kraus, Ruth: The Carrot Seed

Krosoczka, Jarrett: Baghead

Landers, Ace: I Am An Ice Cream Truck

Leaf, Munro: The Story of Ferdinand

Lester, Mike: A is for Salad

Lionni, Leo: Little Blue and Little Yellow

Lobel, Anita: On Market Street

Lobel, Arnold: Frog and Toad Are Friends

London, Jonathan: Froggy Gets Dressed

Martin, Bill: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Martin, Bill: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Mayer, Mercer: Frog Goes to Dinner

McBratney, Sam: Guess How Much I Love You

McCloskey, Robert: Make Way for Ducklings

McFarland, Lyn: Widget

McKissack, Pat: Goin’ Someplace Special

McLimans, David: Gone Wild: An Endangered Alphabet

McMullan, Kate and Jim: I Stink!

McPhail, David: Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore 

Meddaugh, Susan: Martha Speaks

Meltzer, Brad: I am Abraham Lincoln

Munari, Bruno: Bruno Munari’s ABC

Nelson-Schmidt, Michelle: Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster

Noble, Trinka: The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash

Numeroff, Laura: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

O’Connor, Jane: Fancy Nancy

Penn, Audrey: The Kissing Hand

Pinkney, Sandra: Shades of Black

Piper, Watty: The Little Engine that Could

Potter, Beatrix: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Rathmann, Peggy: Good Night, Gorilla

Reisman, Dave: Cows Can’t Jump

Rey, H.A.: Curious George

Rohman, Eric: My Friend Rabbit

Rosen, Michael: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Rossetti-Shustak, Bernadette: I Love You Through and Through

Rylant, Cynthia: The Relatives Came

Say, Allen: Grandfather’s Journey

Scarry, Richard: Cars and Trucks and Things that Go

Seeger, Laura Vaccaro: First the Egg

Sendak, Maurice: Where the Wild Things Are

Seuss, Dr.: Green Eggs and Ham

Seuss, Dr.: The Cat in the Hat

Shannon, David: Duck on a Bike

Shaw, Charles: It Looked Like Spilt Milk

Simmons, Jane: Come Along Daisy

Simont, Marc: The Stray Dog

Sis, Peter: Fire Truck

Slobodkina, Esphyr: Caps for Sale

Taback, Simms: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

Walter, Virginia: Hi, Pizza Man!

Wells, Rosemary: Noisy Nora

Westcott, Nadine: The Lady with the Alligator Purse

Wiesner, David: The Three Pigs

Willems, Mo: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

Wong, Janet: Buzz Wood, Audrey: The Napping House

Yolen, Jane: How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?

Yolen, Jane: Owl Moon

Young, Ed: Seven Blind Mice

Zimmerman, Andrea: Trashy Town

Zion, Gene: Harry, The Dirty Dog

Zschock, Martha Day: Hello, America!