1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
- Register and receive your library bag.
- Read to your child.
- Record each book read to your child (either by writing the title down or coloring a circle on the reading caterpillar).
- When you finish 100 books bring the reading log to the library! Your child will receive a small prize and the next reading log.
- Repeat steps 2-4 (with prizes awarded after each 100 books read).
- After finishing 1,000 books, your child will receive:

1000 Books Website

Books Your Child Should Hear Before Kindergarten
Alborough, Jez: Where’s My Teddy?
Aranton, John-Ruben M., Jr.: What Treat Can Ruben Eat?
Asch, Frank: Happy Birthday, Moon
Ballock-Dixon, Saige J.: Chilean Mines
Bang, Molly: Ten, Nine, Eight
Barrett, Judi: Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing
Barton, Byron: The Three Bears
Bauer, Marion: How Do I Love You?
Becker, Bonny: A Visitor for Bear
Bergen, Lara: Dora’s Sleepover
Bemelmans, Ludwig: Madeline
Benton, Jim: The End (Almost!)
Blackstone, Stella: Bear’s Busy Family
Borghese, Mark: 1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Bornstein, Ruth: Little Gorilla
Brett, Jan: The Mitten
Brown, Marcia: Stone Soup
Brown, Margaret Wise: Goodnight Moon
Brunhoff, Jean de: The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant
Burningham, John: Mr. Gumpy’s Outing
Burroughs, Caleb: The Moon Sees You & Me
Burton, Virginia Lee: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
Campbell, Rod: Dear Zoo
Cannon, Janell: Stellaluna
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin: Biscuit Loves the Library
Carle, Eric: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Christelow, Eileen: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Chung, Arree: Ninja!
Coffelt, Nancy: Fred Stays with Me
Crews, Donald: Freight Train
Cronin, Doreen: Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type
Day, Alexandra: Good Dog, Carl
Degen, Bruce: Jamberry
Dorros, Arthur: Abuela
Eastman, P.D.: Are You My Mother?
Ehlert, Lois: Feathers for Lunch
Emberley, Ed: Go Away, Big Green Monster!
Falconer, Ian: Olivia
Feiffer, Jules: Bark, George
Flack, Marjorie: Ask Mr. Bear
Fleming, Denise: Mama Cat Has Three Kittens
Fox, Mem: Where is the Green Sheep?
Freeman, Don: Corduroy
Gag, Wanda: Millions of Cats
Galdone, Paul: The Three Little Pigs
Gerstein, Mordicai: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
Goble, Paul: The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
Guarino, Deborah: Is Your Mama a Llama?
Henkes, Kevin: Kitten’s First Full Moon
Hill, Eric: Where’s Spot
Ho, Minfong: Hush!: A Thai Lullaby
Hoban, Russell: Bread and Jam for Frances
Hoban, Tana: Is it Red? Is it Yellow? Is it Blue? An Adventure in Color
Hoffman, Mary: Amazing Grace
Holabird, Katherine: Angelina Ballerina
Hutchins, Pat: Rosie’s Walk
Jenkins, Steve: What do you do with a tail like this?
Johnson, Crockett: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Juster, Norton: The Hello, Goodbye Window
Kasza, Keiko: The Wolf’s Chicken Stew
Keats, Ezra Jack: The Snowy Day
Kennedy, Jimmy: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic
Kent, Jack: The Caterpillar and the Polliwog
Kimmel, Eric: Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock
Kraus, Robert: Whose Mouse are You?
Kraus, Ruth: The Carrot Seed
Krosoczka, Jarrett: Baghead
Landers, Ace: I Am An Ice Cream Truck
Leaf, Munro: The Story of Ferdinand
Lester, Mike: A is for Salad
Lionni, Leo: Little Blue and Little Yellow
Lobel, Anita: On Market Street
Lobel, Arnold: Frog and Toad Are Friends
London, Jonathan: Froggy Gets Dressed
Martin, Bill: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Martin, Bill: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Mayer, Mercer: Frog Goes to Dinner
McBratney, Sam: Guess How Much I Love You
McCloskey, Robert: Make Way for Ducklings
McFarland, Lyn: Widget
McKissack, Pat: Goin’ Someplace Special
McLimans, David: Gone Wild: An Endangered Alphabet
McMullan, Kate and Jim: I Stink!
McPhail, David: Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore
Meddaugh, Susan: Martha Speaks
Meltzer, Brad: I am Abraham Lincoln
Munari, Bruno: Bruno Munari’s ABC
Nelson-Schmidt, Michelle: Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster
Noble, Trinka: The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash
Numeroff, Laura: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
O’Connor, Jane: Fancy Nancy
Penn, Audrey: The Kissing Hand
Pinkney, Sandra: Shades of Black
Piper, Watty: The Little Engine that Could
Potter, Beatrix: The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Rathmann, Peggy: Good Night, Gorilla
Reisman, Dave: Cows Can’t Jump
Rey, H.A.: Curious George
Rohman, Eric: My Friend Rabbit
Rosen, Michael: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Rossetti-Shustak, Bernadette: I Love You Through and Through
Rylant, Cynthia: The Relatives Came
Say, Allen: Grandfather’s Journey
Scarry, Richard: Cars and Trucks and Things that Go
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro: First the Egg
Sendak, Maurice: Where the Wild Things Are
Seuss, Dr.: Green Eggs and Ham
Seuss, Dr.: The Cat in the Hat
Shannon, David: Duck on a Bike
Shaw, Charles: It Looked Like Spilt Milk
Simmons, Jane: Come Along Daisy
Simont, Marc: The Stray Dog
Sis, Peter: Fire Truck
Slobodkina, Esphyr: Caps for Sale
Taback, Simms: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
Walter, Virginia: Hi, Pizza Man!
Wells, Rosemary: Noisy Nora
Westcott, Nadine: The Lady with the Alligator Purse
Wiesner, David: The Three Pigs
Willems, Mo: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Wong, Janet: Buzz Wood, Audrey: The Napping House
Yolen, Jane: How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
Yolen, Jane: Owl Moon
Young, Ed: Seven Blind Mice
Zimmerman, Andrea: Trashy Town
Zion, Gene: Harry, The Dirty Dog
Zschock, Martha Day: Hello, America!